

An upbeat, five-letter name that sounds similar to ‘yes’ … or ‘yessiree’ (a more enthusiastic way of saying yes).

Possible Uses:  A motivational brand.  A reviews site.  A fitness coach.  An app.  An energy bar or drink.  A social network.  A diet line.
Keywords:  absolutely, affirmative, agreeable, agreed, alerted, alive, amusement, animated, applications, apps, awaken, aye, belief, believes, buoyant, bright, candies, candy, certainly, cheerful, cheering, cheery, chipper, chocolates, chuckles, confident, cute, decisive, definitely, delighted, dieting, diets, drink, ecstatic, efficiency, efficient, elated, encourages, encouraged, encouraging, energy, energy bar, enjoyable, excites, exciting, exercises, exercising, exhilarated, exhilarates, exhilarating, fine, fitness, giggles, gladly, gleeful, good, goodies, goody, grinning, grins, guaranteed, happiness, happy, healthy, high spirits, honesty, hopeful, hoping, idealistic, influences, inspires, instills, intensity, jokes, joking, jolly, joyful, joyous, laughing, laughs, light, lively, merry, motivational, nice, okay, optimism, optimistic, peppy, perky, playful, pleasant, pleased, positive, powerful, provokes, rosy, satisfied, satisfy, serene, silly, smiles, smiling, snickers, sparks, spurs, stamina, sunny, sure, surefire, sweets, thrilled, tickled, treats, triggers, true, trusting, upbeat, utopian, vigorous, vitality, whimsical, workouts, yeah, yep, yes, yummy