

A whimsical play on ‘wimp’ that is sure to put a smile on your face. Silly, yet ideal, for various gaming and tech applications.

Possible Uses:  A joke or gag brand.  An acronym for a computing software or product.  An app.  A dare/challenge-themed game.
Keywords:  applications, apps, artsy, babies, baby, back out, bully, capers, challenges, chicken, childish, children, clowning, clowns, comedies, comedy, comical, computers, cowardly, creative, dares, defy, entertaining, entertains, farces, frolics, funny, gadgets, gags, games, gaming, geeks, goads, hoopla, horseplay, humorous, icon, interactive, internet, jesters, jokes, kids, lampoon, lark, laughs, laughter, menu, mischief, mouse, nerds, parody, passive, playful, plays, pointer, pranks, pranksters, program, provocation, provokes, pun, puzzles, ridicules, risks, satires, silly, sitcoms, slapstick, software, stunts, submissive, teasing, technical, teenagers, teens, toys, tricks, truth, tweens, wacky, web, weakling, whimper, whimsical, whimsy, wimpy, windows, wisecracks