

Up Hug:  A warm and cuddly combination of ‘up’ and ‘hug’.

Possible Uses:  A day care facility.  A greeting card company.  A dating site.  A clothing line.  A counselor.  A children’s brand.  A social network.
Keywords:  affirmations, analyst, apparel, arms, ascends, babies, baby, baby-sitters, baby-sitting, babysitters, babysitting, bedspreads, bedding, blankets, bolsters, boosts, cares, cheer up, cheers, child care, children, close, clothes, clothing, comforters, comforting, comforts, confidence, confident, consoles, constructive, coverlets, cozy, creative, dates, day care, duvets, elevates, embraces, encourages, encouragement, energy, enhances, fashion, friends, fun, good, greeting cards, groups, growing, grows, growth, happy, healing, heartens, hip, hoists, hugging, hugs, increases, inspirational, inspires, intimate, kids, launches, lifts, modern, networks, new age, nurtures, nurturing, pajamas, perk up, perks, positive, promotes, psychiatrists, psychiatry, psychologists, psychology, quilts, raises, reassures, relief, relieves, rises, robes, safe, social, spiritual, surges, sweet, tender, tends, therapeutic, therapist, therapy, tops, touching, trends, trendy, uplifts, upwards, warm, watches, wrapping