
A hip, beachy name that speaks to both computer geeks and surfer dudes.

Possible Uses:  A surfing brand.  A web hosting/services company.  An aquatic sports retailer.  A competition.  An app.  A clothing line.  A SEO company.  A seafood restaurant.  A beachside concession.
Keywords:  amped, apparel, bars, bathing suits, beach chairs, beaches, beachy, beverages, bikinis, bing, boards, breezy, browses, cafes, celebrations, chaises, chilled, clothes, clothing, clubs, cocktail lounges, computers, concession stands, cool, cowabunga, cyber, cybersurf, digital, drinks, eating, eats, fashion, festivals, fireside, food, fun, gear, gift shops, gnarly, goods, google, grilled, grills, hamburgers, hip, hot dogs, ice creams, internet, jamboree, nerds, net, netsurf, oceans, online, parties, party, relaxed, research, restaurants, retail, sand, search engine optimization, saloons, seas, shopping, shops, silver surfer, snacks, sporting, sports, surf the web, sodas, surfboards, surfers, surfing, surfs, swimming, techs, technical, technology, tourism, towels, treats, umbrellas, water, waves, web sites, websites, wipe-outs, yahoo