
An elegant, yet modern, name based on the word ‘lure’ (meaning to attract or entice).  In Finnish, ‘luri’ refers to a parrot.

Possible Uses:  A fishing brand.  A dating service.  A shopping app.  A beauty brand.  An adult products brand.
Keywords:  adult, appeal to, appeals, attraction, attractive, attracts, baits, beautiful, beckons, beguiles, bewitches, birds, cajoles, captivates, captures, catches, charms, cosmetics, dates, draws, enchants, encounters, ensnares, enthralls, enticement, entices, erotica, fascinates, finland, finnish, fishing, graceful, grabs, hooks, invitations, invites, liaisons, lures, makeup, marketing, matchmaking, matches, meetings, nets, parrots, pulls, relationships, rendezvous, ropes, sales, seduces, seduction, shoppers, shops, singles, sirens, smooth, snares, sophisticated, steers, stores, temptations, tempts, touts, trendy, turn on, turns on, woo