
A snappy name based on ‘fief’ or ‘fiefdom’ (referring to an estate or one’s sphere of control).  Sounds a bit like ‘Fee-Fi-Fo-Fum’ from Jack and the Beanstalk.

Possible Uses:  A security service.  A technology company.  An environmental brand.  A private equity firm.  A corporate retreat.
Keywords:  branches, businesses, capital, computers, connecting, connects, controls, corporations, cute, defends, defenses, dominions, ecological, environmental, equity, estates, european, fairy tales, fees, feudal, fiefdoms, fields, fiery, fiestas, financial, fun, growing, growth, guarding, guards, giants, green, income, internet, investing, investments, knights, lands, leaf, leaves, likeable, loyalty, manors, military, modern, monitoring, network, new, nobility, plants, possessions, property, refuges, rights, roots, safeguards, safety, security, services, shelters, sprouts, startups, stories, story, strategies, strategy, superior, surveillance, sustainable, technical, technology, telecommunications, vassals, wealth, whimsical