
A sleek name that fuses the words ‘chip’ and ‘compute’.  Ideal for either tech geeks … or casino high-rollers.

Possible Uses:  A computer school.  A game.  A gambling odds calculator.  An app.  A program developer.  A technology company.  A processing chip.
Keywords:  advantage, analytical, analyzes, analyzing, applications, apps, bets, betting, blogs, bookmakers, calculates, calculating, calculations, calculators, cards, casinos, chip programmer, chips, circuit boards, circuits, computers, computes, computing, devices, electronic equipment, electronics, equipment, events, gambles, gambling, games, gaming, hardware, hi-tech, high-tech, integrated circuits, macro, math, mathematical, mathematics, micro, money, nerds, odds, operations, players, playing, plays, poker, probability, processors, programmers, programming, ratios, silicon, sporting, sports, stakes, staked, statistical, statistics, systems, techie, technicians, technical, technology, transportation, wagers, wagering