
A health-conscious and deliberate misspelling of the almighty ‘calorie’.

Possible Uses:  A dietary manager or brand.  A research lab.  A health blog.  A dietary reference.  A weight loss community.
Keywords:  active, activity, advice, advisors, allot, amounts, anorexia, anorexic, applications, apps, before and after, beverages, bodies, body, calories, carbohydrates, carbs, cardiovascular, chatting, classes, content, controls, cooking, counting, counts, craves, craving, cuisines, culinary, dieticians, dieting, diets, dining, doctors, drinks, eating out, eats, energetic, energy, exercises, exercising, experts, fats, fattening, fiber, fibre, figure, fitness, foods, friends, fruits, goals, good, grams, gymnasiums, gyms, health clubs, healthy, heart rate, how to, hunger, hungry, ideas, image, improves, improving, information, ingredients, instructors, inches, intakes, juices, kilocalories, kilograms, kilos, kitchens, launches, lbs, low calorie, low carb, meal planning, meals, measurements, measures, medical, monitors, movements, natural, networks, nourishment, nutrients, nutritional, nutritionists, off, opinions, overeating, portion control, portions, pounds, professionals, recipes, refrigerators, regimens, reviews, routines, scales, schedules, shapes, sharing, sizes, skinny, snacks, social, starters, successful, support group, supporting, supports, surgeries, surgery, tasks, thin, trim, unhealthy, vegans, vegetarians, vegetables, vitamins, weighing, weight losing, loss, weights, working out, workouts