
Brush Cloud:  A charismatic combination of ‘brush’ and ‘cloud’ … suggesting a cloud-based business and/or an art-related brand.

Possible Uses:  A cloud services company.  A website design tool.  A children’s art center.  A CAD software marketplace.  A graphic design studio.  A media production company.  An image or video editing app.
Keywords:  applications, apps, artists,  arts, artwork, backups, brushes, children, cloud computing, clouds, colors, computer aided drafting, computer-aided designs, computer graphics, computers, creates, creative, designers, designing, designs, developers, develops, developing, digital, digital brush, downloading, drawings, draws, editing, editors, edits, fluffy, fun, graphic artists, graphic arts, graphic designers, graphic designs, graphics, hi-tech, high-tech, hip, hosting, hosts, images, internet, kids, modern, networking, networks, online, paintbrush, paints, pictures, pix, photographers, photographs, photography, photos, processing, programmers, programming, programs, servers, sharing, sketches, sketching, social, software, storage, tech geeks, techie, technical, technicians, technological, technology, teenagers, teens, tools, trends, trendy, unique, video editing, video games, videos, web designs, web pages, webpages, websites, whimsical