
A compassionate name that means ‘benevolent’ or ‘friend’ in French.

Possible uses:  A not-for-profit organization.  A health care staffing agency.  An charitable event.  A philanthropist.  An app.  A home health care group.  A greeting card company.  A senior living facility.  Acts of caring.
Keywords:  aids, allies, ally, altruistic, angels, animals, assisted living, assists, attractive, backers, beautiful, beauty, benefactors, benevolent, boosters, caring, causes, charities, charity, children, chivalrous, colleges, compassionate, considerate, contributors, cosmetics, creams, cremes, dates, dating, disasters, disease, donates, donations, donating, donors, drives, education, elderly, events, famine, feeding, feeds, france, french, friendly, friends, funding, fundraising, generous, gentle, givers, gives, giving, gorgeous, heart, helpful, helping hand, helps, homeless, hospice, hospitals, humane, humanitarian, hungry, illness, kids, kind, kindhearted, liberal, makeup, meeting, needy, nonprofits, not-for-profits, nurses, nursing homes, patrons, pets, philanthropic, pleasant, pretty, seniors, shelters, sickness, skincare, sponsors, starvation, starving, strays, subscribers, supporters, supports, sweet, universities, university, unselfish, veterans, warmhearted