
A snappy, resourceful name related to bidding.  The pronunciation sounds like ‘bid dock’ or ‘bid doc’ (abbreviation of document or doctor).

Possible Uses:  An online auction site.  An e-commerce marketplace.  A mergers and acquisitions firm.  A mobile gambling app.  An RFP database.  A software program.
Keywords:  advances, antiques, applications, apps, auctions, bargains, bets, betting, bidding, bids, buying, buys, calls, competitive, competition, dealers, deals, docks, doctors, documents, engaging, estates, estimates, goods, imports, impressive, items, jams, obligatory quotes, operational qualification, offers, pitches, plays, presents, prices, property, proposals, purchases, quotes, real estate, requests, sales, services, shopping, shops, solicits, suggestions, things, ventures, wholesale, winners, wins, won, worth