
A prolific name that is also an alternate spelling of 'aeration' (to plow the earth).  Could also mean 'a ration' referring to provisions or an allotted amount of something.

Possible Uses:  A financing solution.  A consultancy.  A marketing firm.  An agricultural supply brand.  A magazine or blog.  An eco-friendly advocate.
Keywords:  advances, aerates, aeration, aerify, air, agriculture, bonds, charges, consulting, creation, crops, cultivates, difficult, dig, earthy, ecological, environmental, equipment, establishment, expands, farmers, farming, farms, fertile, fertilizers, fertilizes, fields, financial, freshens, fruits, gains, gardening, green, growing, growth, harvests, healthy, herbicides, increases, industrious, invests, investments, lands, landscaping, manufacturing, modern, multiply, natural, new, nutrients, organic, oxygen, pesticides, plants, plowing, produces, profits, prolific, raises, recharges, rises, roots, seeds, set up, soil, sprouts, startups, stocks, tractors, thrives, till, vegetables, working, yields